[ISLMA-Share] Genius Files Question

Email list for the Illinois School Library Media Association islma at list.railslibraries.info
Thu Aug 11 09:27:41 CDT 2016

Having been a committee member, a nominations member and a reader for two different book awards, let me take this moment to remind everyone that the awards and lists are only as good as the books nominated. 
Did you nominate any books last year? They can't consider a book that isn't nominated and it has to come from YOU!
As you read things, keep a running list and NOMINATE the ones you love and that kids should read! 
Many of you are too busy to be on the committees and that's great! Just make sure to take a few minutes out of that schedule to nominate those great books so that the lists will be awesome.

The committees work hard to have a balance of books for all readers and interests. Help them by nominating! If your book didn't make the list this year, try again. It may have been very close but other books were going to age out or just had more votes - depending on the committee. They all do things a bit differently but they work for those groups. 
Genius Files is not my favorite book but not even for those reasons. I just couldn't stand all the stupid, bad puns and jokes which makes me sad because I make lots of stupid, bad puns and jokes. Hmmmmm, maybe I should reevaluate that! And those parents - just totally oblivious. 

Point is - NOMINATE. If you don't, then the books you want to see can't be considered for the list. 
Happy reading!

Carolyn Roys ~ retired teacher/librarian and plays with Anderson's Bookshop


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