[aisle] Creating Commercials

Ali Jones jonesa at alwood.net
Thu Aug 29 12:24:15 CDT 2019

Hello all!

I am currently teaching a computers class for our 7th graders.  We use
google apps, google drive etc for many of our lessons. I am reviewing each
of these with them throughout the semester.

My current unit - I am having students create their own restaurants.  I
would like to have them create a commercial for their restaurant but would
like some guidance on what free and easy program I should use for this.

Also, if you have a unit similar to this or have any other great projects
you do with your MS students regarding computers/technology, I would love
to hear from you! Sharing is definitely a plus!

Any input you have would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Ali Jones
Media Specialist
Ridgewood Softball Coach
Assistant Athletic Director
AlWood CUSD #225
jonesa at alwood.net
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