[aisle] library redesign question

Richelle Steinmetz rikkir77 at gmail.com
Wed May 15 17:50:21 CDT 2019

We are redesigning my elementary and middle school libraries this summer.
The firm we are working with has asked about some decoration on the walls.
Any input would be great!

At the elementary school library, we are going to put a quote up on the
wall behind our riser/stadium seats. What would be an awesome quote,
preferably from an author? The school serves students in grades PK-4.

At the middle school library, we are looking at 2 things:
1 - In the hallway outside the library we will be putting a wall with words
on it. What are some good ideas for this? Should we just do random words
that have to do with 21st century libraries? Should the students or
teachers pick words?
2 - Behind the circulation desk, there will be a rectangle with graphics.
Any suggestions on some graphics to include?

Rikki Steinmetz
Pleasantdale School District
Burr Ridge
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