[aisle] Job Description

Carol Coutts-siepka couttsc at ccsd15.net
Fri Nov 8 09:20:15 CST 2019

Hello Hive mind!
I am on a district level committee and we are in the process of revisiting
our LRC Director job description as we will have 4 current librarians
retiring at the end of this year. Right now we have shared buildings at the
elementary level but would like to frame the description as an ideal (what
librarians should be doing) before deciding on staffing going forward.
So...I'm looking for examples of job descriptions for elementary AND junior
high/middle school librarians. We are in the northwest suburbs of Chicago
so surrounding/area descriptions will be particularly meaningful.
Thanks in advance!!!!
Carol Coutts-Siepka
Library Media Specialist
Plum Grove Junior High
couttsc at ccsd15.net

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