[aisle] Whiteboard table tops or laminate?

Jill Tarnowski tarnowski.jill at d46.org
Thu Feb 20 12:53:30 CST 2020

Hi friends,
Our PTO is purchasing new flip-top tables for our K-4 library. We have
found some we like and are now deciding if it is worth the extra $55 to
have a whiteboard top instead of laminate.  These tables will have to last
a long time (15+ years).  Does anyone have long-term experience with
whiteboard tables?  Can they still be cleaned and look nice years later or
will it eventually have marker haze?  Does periodic cleaning/disinfecting
with wipes harm the whiteboard surface? Does the whiteboard scratch easily
if we also use it for makerspace?

Any insights would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Jill Tarnowski

Jill Tarnowski
Information Specialist
Woodview School
Grayslake, IL
847 223-3668
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