[aisle] MLA citation expert?

Lala Lala lalalibrary918 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 16:24:58 CDT 2020


Does anyone know how to find an expert on MLA citations? I have a difficult
source to cite (a digitized primary source from the League of Nations from
1919) and OWL Purdue does not accept citation questions via email any
longer. This is the source <https://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:2041377>:

We use NoodleTools to help students cite but it does not go into
international publications.

I do have the MLA style book at work (I'm at home) so I will consult it
tomorrow, but wondering if there are any experts out there? If there are,
how did you become an expert?!

Thank you for any advice!

Lori McGreal
Trinity High School librarian
lmcgreal at trinityhs.org
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