[aisle] Books About Places-- Countries/ States/ Landmarks?

Nichole Folkman nfolkman at hartem.org
Tue Apr 27 09:03:41 CDT 2021

Does anyone have any great recommendations on (preferably) series of
nonfiction books that teach countries, states, and/ or landmarks in
engaging ways for any ages k-5? I'd prefer not just the typical population,
size, capitals, etc stuff, but more... what it's like to live in a place or
visit the landmark, the history of a place, etc... if that makes any sense.
I'm working on a grant order and I'm doing a lot of the Where is/ was from
Who HQ. Wondering if there are any other great options out there.

Thank you so much!

Nichole Folkman
K-12 Librarian/ STEAM Director
Creator and Director of Stags Read Community Literacy Program

Co-chair of the Lincoln Teen Readers' Choice Award

Scholastic Bowl Coach
Antler/ Staglite Advisor

she/ her/ hers

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