[aisle] Streaming Services

Dekorsi, Suzanne sdekorsi at millburn24.net
Fri Apr 30 13:05:57 CDT 2021

It's that time of year.  Now with more and more streaming services, I've
gotten some pushback regarding teachers wanting to show Disney Plus videos
in the afternoon.
I *know* this is a copyright violation.  Do you have anything that is
already written up that you would be willing to share with me?
when one signs and/or accepts licensing and end-user agreements, he or she
often gives away certain freedoms, such as copyright exceptions. The
Netflix & Disney+ user agreements include verbiage of “the Software is only
for your own *personal*, non-commercial use and not for use in the
operation of a business or service bureau, for profit or for the benefit or
any other person or entity.” Most copyright attorneys comprehend the phrase
“for your own personal… use” as giving away your statutory exceptions to
use section 110(1) and even section 107 (fair use). Thus, when one signs a
licensing agreement with Netflix, he or she in essence is agreeing to only
stream videos in the privacy of his or her own home.

*Suzanne Dekorsi*
*Technology Integration/Information Literacy Specialist*
*Apple Teacher*
*Googl**e* *Certified*
*Scholastic Bowl Coach*
*Millburn Elementary *
*18550 Millburn Road*
*Wadsworth, IL 60031*
*(847) 356-8331*
Follow me for inspiration, updates, & tech tips: @yourmedicenter
*Technology Integration/Information Literacy Specialist*

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