[aisle] need name of a book

Mrs. Brunner brunnerv at mtzschools.org
Thu Dec 16 11:09:07 CST 2021

Oh great hive mind:
There was a book a few years ago about a fighter pilot in enemy territory
who had serious damage and was lost and had been separated from his group.
Another plane guided him to safety, but then peeled away as he was actually
an enemy pilot.  Years later the two men met.
What was this book?


Mrs. Brunner
Mt. Zion Jr. High Librarian
315 S. Henderson
Mt. Zion, IL 62549
brunnerv at mtzschools.org

*Be kind.  everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.*

*"If there are no dogs in Heaven, I want to go wherever they went." Will
Rogers *
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