[aisle] Ghost Boys

Jordan Adams jadams at rccu1.net
Tue Apr 26 08:34:04 CDT 2022

Hello all,

Our 7th graders are reading Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes as a class
novel this year and we have a parent complaining that it is
teaching/supporting racism. I haven't been the one dealing with the parent,
the classroom teacher is, but based on the discussion being had, the parent
obviously hasn't read the book.

If you haven't read the book, its about a white police officer shooting a
young black boy. The young boy comes back as a ghost and interacts with
other young black boys that have been shot as well as with the daughter of
the police officer who did the shooting. To me, this book offers a very
unique perspective including the daughter of the police officer. I
personally think that it does a good job offering both sides of the story.

The complaining parent is wanting a title to be taught that shows a black
person shooting a white person. I know this is a ridiculous request, but I
was wondering if any of you could think of a title like this that would be
appropriate for 7th grade. There is no plan to teach this other title, but
I was just going to try and see if there were any titles that fit this

Also, if you can think of other titles like Ghost Boys, that would be
appreciated too.
*Jordan Adams*
RCMS School Librarian

*Currently Reading:*
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