[aisle] Good behavior letter to parents?

Meyer, Gail GMeyer at tfd215.org
Wed Apr 27 10:41:45 CDT 2022

My admin suggested that I send an end-of-year email to the parents of some of my library regulars (here during their lunch hour), letting them know their student has been a pleasure to have in the library. I do like the idea since so many messages home are bad news, but am having trouble wording it.

I definitely don’t want to include anything about book checkout, it just would be a quick note to say x student is friendly, polite, and a pleasure to see each day in the library.

Am I potentially outing kids who are avoiding the cafeteria and possibly getting them in trouble at home?  Should I say something to the student first?  Or am I overthinking? Anyone done something like this, or see anything else that could be problematic that I’m missing?

Gail Meyer, Librarian
TF South High School
gmeyer at tfd215.org<mailto:gmeyer at tfd215.org>

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