[aisle] Accelerated Reader labels in library books

Workman, Connie workmanc at wl.k12.in.us
Thu Jul 21 16:27:09 CDT 2022

Hi all-'
If you have AR labels in your library books,  how do you print them? My
school is transitioning from Reading Counts to AR. I'm not "sold" to say
the least.  Tried to print labels from ARbookguide but that is a mess and
didn't give us the info we need on the label.  As far as I can tell,  there
is no way to change the template or add different info.  We printed 450
pages of labels to start by exporting data from Destiny into Excel then
doing a mail merge. When we need just a handful of labels that will be a
pain.  How do you all do labels????


Connie Workman
Library Media Specialist
WL Intermediate School
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