[aisle] Scholastic Book Fair Fuel Surcharge Meeting

Cindy Beaudry cindy.beaudry at rps205.com
Fri Oct 21 10:02:10 CDT 2022

Does anyone know if this is for tabletop fairs too? Ot just the big fairs that come in the cases?

Cindy Beaudry

Certified Library Media Specialist||TTSS

RESA Middle School

1800 Ogilby Rd||Rockford, IL 61102

815-490-5125||Cisco 43100

[cid:946709d3-a7d0-4e7e-9b41-b4e2f5679eae]  [cid:dd27f5f7-9237-41cb-b7c2-fd5a5df331e7]   [cid:83352b6d-41a8-4201-a5d8-91473fdc808b]   [cid:995e027e-7672-4df3-923f-80f79413b79b]

From: AISLE <aisle-bounces at list.railslibraries.info> on behalf of Michelle Harris via AISLE <aisle at list.railslibraries.info>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 9:36 AM
To: AISLE-Share: Association of Illinois School Library Educators discussion list <aisle at list.railslibraries.info>
Cc: Michelle Harris <harrism at husd4.org>
Subject: Re: [aisle] Scholastic Book Fair Fuel Surcharge Meeting

You would think it would be the other way around...fewer books to send back should need less gas to transport them. And a larger book fair means more profit for Scholastic... On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9
Caution! This message was sent from outside of RPS205!
You would think it would be the other way around...fewer books to send back should need less gas to transport them. And a larger book fair means more profit for Scholastic...

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9:34 AM Ranftl, Kelly via AISLE <aisle at list.railslibraries.info<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>> wrote:
It is $150 or $80 depending on how much your fair sells. The more you sell, the higher the fee!

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9:30 AM Peterson, Sharon I. (OV) via AISLE <aisle at list.railslibraries.info<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>> wrote:

How much is the surcharge?  Does it vary or is it a fixed rate?

Mrs. Sharon Peterson

Oak View’s LMC Director/Teacher


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Do you seek knowledge?  You’ll find it in books!  Reading expands the mind and your imagination!

From: Gargano-Price, Maria via AISLE<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 1:07 PM
To: AISLE-Share: Association of Illinois School Library Educators discussion list<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>
Cc: Gargano-Price, Maria<mailto:mgargano at elmhurst205.org>; Group-10840-CPS Librarians<mailto:group-10840-cps_librarians at cps.edu>
Subject: Re: [aisle] Scholastic Book Fair Fuel Surcharge Meeting

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On Mon, Oct 17, 2022, 4:48 PM Kathryn Green via AISLE <aisle at list.railslibraries.info<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>> wrote:

Would you please share when this was added to the page? I am looking for a date and a where. Is it at confirmation point or later?
Thank you

Kathryn Green

District Librarian Oregon, Illinois

On Oct 17, 2022, at 2:36 PM, Ranftl, Kelly via AISLE <aisle at list.railslibraries.info<mailto:aisle at list.railslibraries.info>> wrote:

Hi Fellow Librarians,

Scholastic Book Fairs lit an angry fire under me when they explained the fuel surcharge they are applying to book fairs. I did my research, replied (see below), and Scholastic Book Fairs Leadership is now asking me to have a phone meeting regarding my "strong feelings". If you also have "strong feelings" about the fuel surcharge or would like to share how it is impacting your school/students, please let me know. I would love to share your concerns with Scholastic leadership.

~Kelly Ranftl

My email to Scholastic:

Dear xxxxx,

Our problem is with the unjust practice of a BILLION dollar company essentially charging schools to run your fairs. Scholastic is NOT a mom & pop shop struggling with inflation. The fuel charge is about company bigwigs making more cash. I find it greedy and immoral for business owners to nickel and dime schools and children, especially when the company has had record-breaking earnings the previous year.  Scholastic is not in financial trouble, as the quotes below prove.

"Scholastic recorded significant revenue and operating income gains in both reporting periods, led by increased in-person book fairs and record revenue-per-fair levels in the U.S. book fairs channel, as well as strong demand for the Company's educational offerings."

"...Board of Directors also approved a 33% increase in its regular quarterly cash dividend to $0.20 per share from $0.15 per share on the Company's Class A and Common Stock for the first quarter of fiscal 2023."


Scholastic Corporation. “Scholastic Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2022 Results Led by Record Revenue per Fair Levels and Strong Education Solutions Sales.” SCHOLASTIC REPORTS FOURTH QUARTER AND FISCAL 2022 RESULTS LED BY RECORD REVENUE PER FAIR LEVELS AND STRONG EDUCATION SOLUTIONS SALES, 21 July 2022, https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/scholastic-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-2022-results-led-by-record-revenue-per-fair-levels-and-strong-education-solutions-sales-301591281.html<https://us-east-2.protection.sophos.com?d=outlook.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9uYW0wMi5zYWZlbGlua3MucHJvdGVjdGlvbi5vdXRsb29rLmNvbS8_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&i=NWJmNDJmMTFkNGQ5ZGYxNmQ1YTI1NDBl&t=R3VXaXZwTkpxRTRUNWxJWDZiQVZDNHFEVnZrditnVmVjR3dnQm82d2dRYz0=&h=8d1cb5e3e01a42eca14ed802c45861dc&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVY0C8KjhSn7zuBJXoIrrLs0ubXUT3zY16/+doyJjWSmvXposFckDz8V61dlmrgp3Kk=>

Durkin Park has decided to go with a book fair company that has similar offerings, similar prices, better rewards structure, and most importantly, is not charging a fuel surcharge to ANY school as a cash grab. Feel free to forward my email to Sasha Quinton, President of Book Fairs, who made $1,697,980 in total compensation in 2022.

Source: https://www.salary.com/tools/executive-compensation-calculator/sasha-quinton-salary-bonus-stock-options-for-scholastic-corp?year=2022<https://us-east-2.protection.sophos.com?d=outlook.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9uYW0wMi5zYWZlbGlua3MucHJvdGVjdGlvbi5vdXRsb29rLmNvbS8_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&i=NWJmNDJmMTFkNGQ5ZGYxNmQ1YTI1NDBl&t=Mk9TVDA1TW93bzFSM3M4NjJjdWFzbXhVdU90VDFtM3N4eG1XcVhjMCsvVT0=&h=8d1cb5e3e01a42eca14ed802c45861dc&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVY0C8KjhSn7zuBJXoIrrLs0ubXUT3zY16/+doyJjWSmvXposFckDz8V61dlmrgp3Kk=>

I know I am not the only one canceling book fairs due to this cash grab. Librarians across multiple Facebook groups are livid, and many small-town and low-income school librarians are feeling this surcharge hit their book budgets. My hope is that if the people in charge realise what they are doing to schools is WRONG, a change will be made.


All the best,

Kelly Ranftl

Durkin Park Library Information Specialist

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

klranftl at cps.edu<mailto:klranftl at cps.edu>

Support my Classroom with Donors Choose: Early Childhood Storytellers<https://us-east-2.protection.sophos.com?d=outlook.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9uYW0wMi5zYWZlbGlua3MucHJvdGVjdGlvbi5vdXRsb29rLmNvbS8_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&i=NWJmNDJmMTFkNGQ5ZGYxNmQ1YTI1NDBl&t=SDJMZEE2WEdjWFZHeE5OUEVlYVpycHZTdmIwQmVFS1dTMStjOGNCUEc2dz0=&h=8d1cb5e3e01a42eca14ed802c45861dc&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVY0C8KjhSn7zuBJXoIrrLs0ubXUT3zY16/+doyJjWSmvXposFckDz8V61dlmrgp3Kk=>

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All the best,
Kelly Ranftl
Durkin Park Library Information Specialist
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
klranftl at cps.edu<mailto:klranftl at cps.edu>
Support my Classroom with Donors Choose: Early Childhood Storytellers<https://us-east-2.protection.sophos.com?d=donorschoose.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZG9ub3JzY2hvb3NlLm9yZy9wcm9qZWN0L2Vhcmx5LWNoaWxkaG9vZC1zdG9yeXRlbGxlcnMvNjgxMDk3MC8_dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1kYyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWRpcmVjdGxpbmsmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXByb2plY3QmdXRtX3Rlcm09dGVhY2hlcl8yNTg3NTc4JnJmPWRpcmVjdGxpbmstZGMtMjAyMi0wOS1wcm9qZWN0LXRlYWNoZXJfMjU4NzU3OCZjaGFsbGVuZ2VpZD0yMDQ5NTQ3Ng==&i=NWJmNDJmMTFkNGQ5ZGYxNmQ1YTI1NDBl&t=bktncU40Q2JRekR5bXB5aEhnS24xVTdBQXRHU1drTDJIc0w0N241VnFBYz0=&h=8d1cb5e3e01a42eca14ed802c45861dc&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVY0C8KjhSn7zuBJXoIrrLs0ubXUT3zY16/+doyJjWSmvXposFckDz8V61dlmrgp3Kk=>
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Michelle Harris
District Librarian
Heyworth CUSD #4

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