[aisle] HS- Seeking info on VR and on standards based assessments for foreign language

Christy Semande csemande at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 12 15:21:27 CST 2023

 Hello, I am seeking info on the following 2 issues. So we don't clutter up inboxes, please respond off list to csemande at yahoo.com .
Issue 1- My HS foreign language department would like to connect with other foreign language teachers using standards based /performance-based grading. They are considering some big changes and would love to connect with someone currently doing this.  If you have a FL teacher willing to answer their questions, please send me their contact info.
Issue 2- My HS principal want to know how other schools are using VR. We have a new set that is just sitting, and he'd like to know how other school are encouraging use, best practices for storing and so on. [I've used it in the library, it's the other teachers we need to convince.]
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide....
Christy SemandeCanton High School, USD #66_____________________________________________
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