[aisle] 3-5 Manga/Anime?

Jennifer Schesvold jennifer.schesvold at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 14:11:20 CST 2023

Hello All,

I work in a 3-5 school, and I have a lot of students who regularly ask for
manga or anime books. It's definitely not my genre, so I don't know what
out there is appropriate for this age level. I've got some Pokemon and some
Disney books, a few others, but I'm looking to add to the collection. Any
suggestions on titles or authors? When I look stuff up I mostly get either
how to draw or books that would be too mature for this grade level.

Also I have them in graphic novels right now but thinking about putting
them on their own shelf so students can find them easier. Does anyone have
them separated from graphic novels or are they combined?

Thanks so much!

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