[Digital Library] Holds Ratio over time

Liz McClain lmcclain at glencoelibrary.org
Mon Jul 27 09:07:21 CDT 2020

Thank you for the information!

 From: "Michele Arms via digital-library" 
<digital-library at list.railslibraries.info>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 9:04 AM
To: digital-library at list.railslibraries.info, lmcclain at glencoelibrary.org
Cc: "Michele Arms" <michelea at cherryvalleylib.org>
Subject: [Digital Library] Holds Ratio over time   

Hi all,  


I went back through my email and found the following:  


2011: Holds Ratio set at 6:1    

2013: Holds Ratio set at 7:1  

2014: Holds Ratio set at 7:1  




From: digital-library <digital-library-bounces at list.railslibraries.info> On 
Behalf Of Maggie Thomann via digital-library
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 2:00 PM
To: lmcclain at glencoelibrary.org; digital-library at list.railslibraries.info
Cc: Maggie Thomann <mthomann at northbrook.info>
Subject: Re: [Digital Library] DLIL Selection Guidelines  


Hi Liz,   


Thanks for your question. I am not sure what was done previous to 
self-administration in terms of hold ratios - would someone who was a 
selector for MyMediaMall be able to speak to that?  


I agree that I wish the consortium hold ratios could be lower. The ratios 
were established by looking at the monthly budgeted amount available, and 
trying to both meet demand and allow enough remaining funds for some 
repurchasing of expired content. One thing to keep in mind is that only 
consortium copies are counted when calculating those hold ratios. For most 
popular titles, there will also be additional Advantage copies that help 
satisfy demand for the owning libraries' patrons, which in turn lowers the 
overall wait times for the titles as well.  


I hope that helps clarify a bit, if you have other questions please don't 
hesitate to ask.  




On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 9:27 AM Liz McClain via digital-library 
<digital-library at list.railslibraries.info> wrote: 

Hi Maggie, 

The  max hold ratios seem a little high.  have they always been at this 







From: "Maggie Thomann via digital-library" 
<digital-library at list.railslibraries.info>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 5:19 PM
To: digital-library at list.railslibraries.info
Cc: "Maggie Thomann" <mthomann at northbrook.info>
Subject: [Digital Library] DLIL Selection Guidelines    


Happy Friday everyone! 


I am attaching the working DLIL selector guidelines that consortium 
selectors use to guide purchasing decisions. These guidelines were 
implemented in December of 2019.    


If you have any questions about this, please let us know. Our goal is to 
continue to update and refine the guidelines on an ongoing basis based on 
needs and trends.  




Maggie Thomann 

Secretary, Digital Library of Illinois/Electronic Content Consortium 

eccboard2018 at gmail.com  

Fiction & Media Manager 

Northbrook Public Library 


mthomann at northbrook.info  

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Maggie Thomann 

Fiction & Media Manager 

Northbrook Public Library 


mthomann at northbrook.info  

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