[Digital Library] eMags in OverDrive

Scott Drone-Silvers sdronesi at lakelandcollege.edu
Fri Nov 27 19:40:03 CST 2020

Flipster is pretty pricey, and I’m not aware of a very good option for The Economist. They are quite restrictive with their digital version, only allowing a certain number of views every month when we had it through RBDigital. It got dropped from our renewal this year. We have it in full text in one of our databases, and for the moment, that’s going to have to be good enough.

Good luck with another solution.

Scott Drone-Silvers

Scott Drone-Silvers
Director of Library Services
Lake Land College
From: digital-library <digital-library-bounces at list.railslibraries.info> on behalf of Jeannine Lau via digital-library <digital-library at list.railslibraries.info>
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 2:52:55 PM
To: digital-library at list.railslibraries.info <digital-library at list.railslibraries.info>
Cc: Jeannine Lau <jeannine.lau at elmlib.org>
Subject: [Digital Library] eMags in OverDrive

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We are transitioning our RBdigital eMags to OverDrive for the duration of our subscription terms at the end of January. OverDrive wants more than 3x what we are paying currently for eMagazines once that subscription ends. I'm curious to know if the DLIL consortium has ever considered adding eMagazines to our service or if it is even feasible money wise? Also, wondering if any other libraries out there have had success finding an affordable option for eMagazines other than OverDrive eMags or Flipster (which we already have). The Economist was a title exclusive to RBdigital and very popular with our community. Flipster does not offer it, and we are eager to keep access to that title in particular. We have digital access to it through our databases, but does not offer the glossy magazine look that RBdigital offered. I appreciate your time.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Jeannine Lau

Digital Content Librarian

Elmhurst Public Library

125 S. Prospect Ave.

Elmhurst, IL 60126

630-279-8696 ext. 328

Jeannine.Lau at elmlib.org

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