[aisle] Reading/math interventions

DEANNE GUCCIONE dguccione at ppcusd8.org
Thu Mar 12 18:35:51 CDT 2020

Will you please share  how your school handles reading/ math
interventions?  When do you complete them?   We have a 30 minute period
called WIN first thing in the day.    This is when the interventions are
given and the rest of the students do other activities (silent
reading/ALEXS, current events).  Looking for ideas for next year’s

Deanne Guccione, Librarian
Pleasant Plains Middle School
dguccione at ppcusd8.org

"The truth is-the whole truth is-that it's not the last day that matters
most.  It's the ones in between, the ones you get the chance to look back
on.  There the carnation days.  They may not stand out the most at first,
but they stay with you the longest."  Quote from *Ms. Bixby's Last Da*y by
John David Anderson
Currently Reading: Look Both Ways

[image: 45493566. sy475]

Just finished:  The Unteachables
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