[aisle] Book title help

Kathy Garneau kgarneau at bannockburnschool.org
Mon Sep 21 15:54:10 CDT 2020

Book title help!
I believe it was a Rebecca Caudill pre-2012, I even checked the big list of
past titles and can't find it. The story was about the super-volcano under
Yellowstone, plus all of the volcanoes in the Cascades erupting at once,
throwing a cloud of ash into the atmosphere that blocks out the sun from
years, causing crops to die. A boy from the Chicago area builds a bike with
a sail to head north as looting starts to become the norm for survival.

 Please help my Zoom addled brain retrieve this one.
[image: Clientmoji]

Kathy Garneau
*Golden Apple Teacher of Distinction*
*National Board Certified Library Media Specialist*
*STEM Teacher*
*ISTE Certified*

*Bannockburn School <https://www.bannockburnschool.org/>*
2165 Telegraph Road
Bannockburn, IL 60015
847-945-5900 ex. 2719
Connect with me:

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