[aisle] New Library

Bette Rubinson Zablocki betterubinson at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 9 10:16:41 CST 2021


I work in a middle school that had two separate libraries, one for 6th grade and one for 7/8 grade, and is finishing construction this week on one library for the building. Now the two collections need to be combined while weeding about 6,000 books from the collection. The reason for the weeding is that shelving was not increased in the new library to factor in the increase in books when the collections are combined. I will have 1-3 additional library/technology staff from other buildings in the district helping me throughout the day. Has anyone done a project like this before? Any advice? The curriculum director would like this completed in one week, so time is a factor.

Please email me off the list at bzablocki at d15.us


Bette Zablocki
Marquardt Middle School
Glendale Heights, IL
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