[aisle] English Language Development fiction for high school?

Lala Lala lalalibrary918 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 14:16:12 CST 2021


I am meeting with a teacher tomorrow who teaches ELD, English Language
Development. His students speak a language other than English at home, and
his class is an intervention class designed to build academic English
skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, in order for students
to have academic success in all of their classes.

He has asked for this:

"I would like to initiate a conversation with you about my ELD students.  I
teach Advanced ELD here at the high school and have about 50 students who
are at this level. Most are reluctant readers, have 0-5 books in their
household, and find a Lexile level of 880 challenging.

I want my students to develop a habit of reading books of their choice,
outside of the classroom, and I am looking for suggestions.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding how you see the library
helping out with this.  Thank you kindly for your time and help!

Can anyone on this list give me *advice on how I can best support his
students*? Even suggesting titles would be helpful, but there is more to
this and I could use some advice!

Thank you,

Lori McGreal
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