[aisle] Elementary Non-fiction Arrangement

Nichole Folkman nfolkman at hartem.org
Sun May 15 07:09:38 CDT 2022

Does anyone do anything besides Dewey for their elementary nonfiction
section? These kids don't know decimals yet and I want to make browsing
really easy. I get annoyed when I'm trying to find things, so they
absolutely do. Dewey of course is already sort of genrefied.... just
looking for good, practical suggestions. I sadly don't have a lot of space,
either. (My library is also the school office, copy room, head teacher
office, teacher's lounge, mail room... and there is literally no more space
in our school to change any of that.)

Any ideas appreciated. Thank you!

Nichole Folkman
K-12 Librarian/ STEAM Director
Creator and Director of Stags Read Community Literacy Program
Stags Read Twitter- @StagsRead
Creator of Postcard Field Trip Curriculum

Chair of the Lincoln Teen Readers' Choice Award

Scholastic Bowl Coach
Antler/ Staglite Advisor

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