[aisle] book suggestions

Kami Spatzek spatzekka at dist102.k12.il.us
Mon Jan 30 15:05:54 CST 2023

Hi everyone,

I hope someone can help me because I cannot think of a single title to
support this statement.

"I want my students to understand that where people live in the U.S.
influences the natural resources the community uses, the environmental
challenges they face, and the cultural makeup of the people, and that these
developments change over time and differ from other parts of the country
and world."

Does anyone have a title that would fit? We are looking for a selection of
titles that fit this statement for literature circle options in fifth grade.

Please help me if you can!

[image: photo]
*Kami A. Spatzek*
Congress Park LRC Director

708-215-6007 <+708-215-6007> | spatzekka at dist102.k12.il.us

Currently Reading
[image: Book Cover]
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